Sakar Society for differently abled persons Sunder Nagar, dist Mandi (HP) was
Registered under HP Societies Act, 2006 on 07 March 2008 and it started a day
Care School for M.R. Children on 07 May 2008 in a rented building near Dental
College Sunder Nagar.
Sakar Society was started with a vision to help special Children and mentally retarded children was chosen first as their strength was Maximum in district Mandi and their was a few sources to educate them. In Sunder Nagar no NGO was working for their betterment and Smt Sheetal Sharma Who was working as a Special Educator cum In charge of Day Care Centre for MR Children at Bhangrotu first thought that the children of Sundernagar should be provided with special education and this NGO was formed and it started working as soon as it was registered. Sakar Society was then registered with PWD Act 1995 on 21 Jun 2012 and with National Trust on 14 Sep 2012.